Friday, June 15, 2007

Interesting Article on Wine

"Wine … tastes primarily of wine—grape-juice, tannin, and so on," Dahl wrote. "If I am wrong about this, and the great wine-writers are right, then there is only one conclusion. The chateaux in Bordeaux have begun to lace their grape-juice with all manner of other exotic fruit juices, as well as slinging in a bale or two of straw and a few packets of ginger biscuits for extra flavouring. Someone had better look into this."

The Dahl in this case is Roald Dahl, and the above quote is from an article by Mike Steinberger on Slate magazine. Apparently Roald Dahl--the writer of Matilda, The Witches, etc--was a renowned oenophile (and obviously someone who doesn't subscribe to the "ooh it has flavors of tobacco and a hint of smoky ribs" approach to describing wine).

Read the entire article here: